Humor - Some people have it, some people don't.
We've all heard this common quote time and time again. However, is there truth in this quote?
Of course this quote is false! It's an easy conclusion to make after seeing some people effortlessly deliver a good piece of humor while seeing some others fumble and mumble and fail miserably. So, if everybody has humor, what makes the difference between the successful humorous ones and the ones that fail miserably?
From experience, we know we don't just wake up the morning after we sign up as a Toastmaster and immediately are amazingly gifted at speaking. It takes practice, guidance, observation, effort... over and over again. The same goes for a Humorous Speech. Not much of a secret, is it?
Today's blog post is to encourage Area S7 Toastmasters to take advantage of the Internet to learn more about Humorous Speeches. Specifically, YouTube. As the date of the contests approaches, we have limited time to observe how others present humorous speeches and learn from the evaluations given each time, so, why not choose the option to watch video recordings online?
Some personal searches have revealed YouTube videos giving tutorials on the subject.
And so on and so forth about tutorials. Go ahead and try your own searches to find the tutorials that you think you'd need to watch the most.
Next is for observation. The following videos are of actual Toastmasters giving their Humorous Speeches at District level contests. What makes their speeches funny? If he/she can do it, can we?
Ms Rattanakamol Poomsanoh with "Dating Disaster" (Second Runner-up for District 80, 2008)
Ms Ruby Ahmad with "Wholly Matrimony" (District 51, 2006)
Mr Lim Tian Yi (District 80, 2006)
Ms Rohana Ngah with "Life is a Rollercoaster" (District 51, 2004)
I'm sure the videos are able to inspire and encourage you. As amazing as they may be, all these speakers had to start at club level contests too. Looking forward to seeing our Toastmasters giving their all during our club level contests =)
Posted by:
Andrea Liew
Area S7 Secretary