Thursday, December 31, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Area S7 !!!

Dear fellow Toastmasters and club officers of Area S7,

As Year 2009 is coming to an end, I believe most of you (if not all) must have put yourselves in a mood of reflection and setting resolutions for the new year.

It has been an eventful 6 months for us in Toastmasters.

To some, it has been an all-new exciting and wonderful learning experience for being involved in serving your club members in the spirit of volunteerism, something which you might have not done in the past.

Wheareas, to some others, it has been a challenging and stressful experience having been entrusted with the responsibility to revive, maintain, or upgrade your respective clubs.

Regardless of which category you fall into, I believe the same rule applies -- where you give, is where you get.

In Toastmasters terms, the coming of Year 2010 signals our entering into the 2nd half of our office term. After attending the TLI Round 2 earlier this month, I believe all of you would have been reminded of the "unfinished business" (a.k.a. club DCP goals) which you will have to face in the next 6 months. Regardless of how you perceive these "unfinished business", let us strive our best to deliver the tasks which had been entrusted to us by the members. Volunteer or being volunteered, I believe when all of us took up the challenge back in June-July this year, we definitely had hopes of achieving success for our clubs.

Personally, this is the motto that has driven me thus far -- "Accomplish, or do not begin." I hope it will give you the same impact.

Lastly, I would like to wish all of you the best of luck in whatever you do for the new year - Year 2010! May all of you hit the new year with renewed zest and enthusiasm.

Happy New Year!

Lee Yew Jin
Area S7 Governor
"Always at your service"

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